Telecom Services

As Pakistan has embraced its technological side, government oversight and restrictions have increased with time. As a result, we now have the requirement:

  • More compliance

  • More licenses

  • More registrations

  • And more legal assistance. 

When it comes to technical and legal assistance – Leibniz Consultants provide a plethora of services. That’s why our experts provide complete Telecom Consulting Services all across Pakistan. 

Our Services

  • ISP Services

  • Local Loop license Services (FLL)

  • Long Distance and International  license Services (LDI)

  • IoT LPWAN license Services

  • Networking and non-networking services

  • IPLC Services

  • DPLC Services

  • Trusted Telecom Services

And a lot more. 

Why is Leibniz Technologies & Solutions the best Telecom Consultant in Pakistan?

When it comes down to it, the services that we provide aren’t that different from other providers. However, the factors that separate us from the rest are all because of you. Your needs are what we are dedicated to. Our services are framed as per your requirements, and our timeline is as per your deadline. You should choose us because:

Our Commitment 

We are committed to you. The procedures of telecom compliance can be like a landmine. One wrong move and the explosion of objections can set you back for a long time. However, we are committed to seeing your service through to the end, regardless of how nuanced or difficult it is. 

Our Integrity

We have integrity towards our services. All our experts work together to provide you with the best services you deserve. While we provide our services in the shortest time possible, we don’t take shortcuts. We use our associations and integrity to take you to the finish line. 

Our Delivery


We are time-bound. You don’t just need a simple registration. You need the registration to happen on time so you can start your business as soon as possible. We can do that for you. These are the three reasons you should choose us as a telecom consultant in Pakistan and AJK&GB.